{ YA } Young Adults

God is in control. No matter the circumstances. After we are saved, we begin the journey of growing in spiritual maturity; however, sometimes those we love dearly refuse to see the change. In Luke 4: 14-30, Jesus fulfills the prophecy regarding his coming as the Messiah. The same people who watched him grow up were the same people who refused to believe he was the Son of God— they couldn’t see past his past. Let this be a comfort to you today: you are not alone in the rejection you feel. Join us today as we explore how to continue to cultivate spiritual maturity despite other people’s disbelief. 

What is { YA } Young Adults?

The spot for where NewLifeChurch - Greater Little Rock Young Adults sermon series are shared. If you are curious about Christianity, or needing to grow in your faith, join us as we all learn how we can live like Christ in an ever changing world. Allow the messages we share each week bring life into your family, your friends, and most importantly your own life.