Living Untitled

Artist, scientist and all around connector Romie Kind speaks with Justin Boone about our increasingly machine-powered world, and what goes into designing the systems that shape our relationships with those machines. 

In this episode of Living Untitled, Romie Kind dives into how humans are constantly developing their relationship with AI and how to ensure the human element is not lost in this increasingly more machine-powered world. What if we treated AI as a genuine collaborator in humanity? Can we incorporate human desires into their system? Can we teach an AI system to understand death?

What is Living Untitled?

Living Untitled explores our untitled world through conversations with visionary problem-solvers. Beyond a podcast, it's an invitation to contemplate living an untitled life, reimagining the inevitable. This invitation encourages us to recognize that questions lead to more questions and that the seemingly inevitable can still be open to reimagining. Join us and our community on a journey into the heart of problem-solving, exploring the untitled life, one question at a time.