Crossing the Chasm

Welcome to another episode of Crossing the Chasm. Today I am joined by Saamah Abdallah, an internationally recognized expert on well-being. He worked for the New Economy Foundation, a London-based think tank, where he developed new ways to understand and measure well-being. That work contributed to the Happy Planet Index and other measures that are beginning to have policy implications. Saamah is currently working towards a PhD in Communication Science and lives in Eastern Germany. I hope you enjoy the conversation as much as I did!

What is Crossing the Chasm?

Crossing the Chasm explores why we are so disconnected/what does connection mean and how can we become mobilized to create change for ecological and human flourishing. Episodes explore topics related to this theme by diagnosing problems but then put forth alternative visions for our society. The show explores and ultimately intends to overcome the chasm that divides where we are from where we want to go. In short, the podcast seeks to create connection by envisioning a better world.