Edify Unfiltered

Whoever said “if you build it, they will come” didn’t know much about real estate development. Busting some myths about city building and discussing Edmonton’s growing pains, Chris Nicholas, President of MLC Group, and Madeline Belter, MLC Group's Marketing Manager talk with Edify magazine’s  Trudy Callaghan and Steven Sandor about the Edmonton advantage in a world of increasingly unaffordable big cities. 

--From This Episode--    
Read Choose Your Own Way about MLC Group on EdifyEdmonton.com
Read Edify's coverage of housing choices in Edmonton with The Beautiful South, published in the May issue of Edify.
Join the conversation by commenting on Edify's Instagram.

--Related Links--
Hate Bike Lanes? Read This Now on EdifyEdmonton.com
Infill Etiquette on EdifyEdmonton.com
Rise of the Rental on EdmontonEdmonton.com
Retire In Place on EdifyEdmonton.com
Not For Sale on EdifyEdmonton.com
Parks and Recreation on EdifyEdmonton.com
Underwhelmed on EdifyEdmonton.com
My Neighbour is a Total DINK on EdifyEdmonton.com
If I Had a Million Dollars… on EdifyEdmonton.com
Pretend It’s a City on EdifyEdmonton.com
Boule-Gardening on EdifyEdmonton.com

Hosted by Trudy Callaghan and Steven Sandor
Produced by Odvod Media
Audio Engineering by Steve Glen
Original music by Darrin Hagen

What is Edify Unfiltered?

Get behind the scenes of Edmonton’s award-winning, city magazine: Edify — which celebrates living in the dynamic city of Edmonton.

Hosts Steven Sandor (Editor-In-Chief) and Trudy Callaghan (Publisher) share the curious stories from behind Edify’s glossy pages. Tune in to explore the ideas that shape our city, and find out what happens when you dare to publish a city magazine.