The most successful salespeople don't wait around 
for somebody else to build their pipeline.

They actively go out and find new customers. 

But they're also consistent. 

They consistently nurture existing relationships,

close current deals,
And build future pipeline.

Finding and securing new business is one of the most 
valuable skills you can build.

But it isn't easy.

That’s why we’re launching a new show called OUTBOUND.

I’ll interview sales leaders weekly to uncover their secrets
To build lasting relationships with their ideal customers.

You’ll walk away from each episode with practical steps
To implement these strategies immediately.

If you're looking to build your future pipeline, 
you're going to love outbound. 

Subscribe on YouTube or wherever you listen to podcasts.

Creators & Guests

Joseph Lewin


Outbound is a weekly podcast illuminating the stories of sales professionals that have taken the path less traveled to build strong relationships that have led to soaring new heights and beautiful vistas. These are the stories of building relationships in sales that have led to great business outcomes.