Ridley College Podcast

The Leon Morris Lecture in New Testament Studies 2024
Ambassadors of Hope: A New Testament Theme

Episode Description
This lecture will explore one of the key themes of the New Testament – that of reconciliation. Reconciliation shows the heart of God, and the church is called to reflect that heart. This echoes something Leon Morris himself emphasized decades ago (although in a broader sense). The Bible calls it demonstrating an unconventional wisdom and it is our overall mission. It leads to hope and enablement, impacting how we present and reflect the gospel in a needy world. It calls us to word and deed convergence and the importance of practice and tone in engaging culture alongside what we believe.

Darrell L. Bock is Senior Research Professor of New Testament Studies at Dallas Theological Seminary in Dallas, Texas and serves as Executive Director of Cultural Engagement at the Hendricks Center for Christian Leadership. He has served on the board of Chosen People Ministries for over two decades. In addition, he serves on the board at Wheaton College, as well as on the boards of the Institute for Global Engagement, the Hope Center in Dallas, and Christians in Public Service. He is a fellow at the Kirby Laing Institute in Cambridge, England and a graduate of the University of Texas (B.A.), Dallas Theological Seminary (Th.M.), and the University of Aberdeen (Ph.D.). He has authored or edited over forty-five books, including a New York Times Best Seller in non-fiction, numerous works on Jesus and the gospels, and the recently released Cultural Intelligence: Living for God in a Diverse, Pluralistic World. 

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