B2B Marketing Exchange

While ABM is a powerful way to target and engage with specific audiences, there isn’t one singular path to success. Forrester research shows ABM practitioners fall under five distinct “tribes,” each with their own approach, challenges and successes. 

In this episode, we listen in on a recent session presented at B2BMX by Matt Steffen, Senior Analyst at Forrester, as he explored these ABM tribes and shared research-backed suggestions for improving ABM programs.

Other key takeaways include:
  • How ABM deployment types impact particular customer interactions;
  • What custom ABM training programs should look like and why they are important; and
  • Industry data highlighting what’s working and what’s not.

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The B2B Marketing Exchange Podcast features candid insights from those who live and breathe B2B. Every week, we'll feature the industry's top influencers and practitioners, who will touch on top-of-mind topics around content strategy, demand generation, account-based marketing, and sales enablement. Subscribe now to get a front-row seat to intimate conversations and top-rated talks from our premier events.