Insights with Don Mills and David Campbell- An Acadia Broadcasting Podcast

There are 140+ financial technology (fintech) firms located in Atlantic Canada ranging from small startups to Verafin with more than 900 employees in St John’s.  Fintech employs over 4,000 people in Atlantic Canada.  Why is this sector thriving in Atlantic Canada?  This week Don and David talk with Lori Weir, Co-Founder and CEO of Four Eyes Financial about fintech and why so many firms are choosing Atlantic Canada.  Four Eyes is a rapidly growing firm based in Saint John with 50+ employees and ambitious plans to expand their business into the United States and the United Kingdom.  What is the value proposition?  What can we do to support this growing cluster of firms?  Lori, Don and David answer these questions and more.
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What is Insights with Don Mills and David Campbell- An Acadia Broadcasting Podcast?

This podcast combines the experiences of an economist, David Campbell and a social scientist, Don Mills, to explore the challenges and opportunities facing Atlantic Canada, to promote data-driven decision making among policymakers and to encourage a wider dialogue and debate leading to greater prosperity for the region. Expect to hear interviews with the top influencers, business leaders and decision-makers across Atlantic Canada to inform, educate and expand the conversations on the key issues facing the region.