Fear the 'Fro: A Cleveland Cavaliers Podcast

Fear the 'Fro kicks off with a rant about NBA head coaching vacancy desirability (aka Cavs vs Lakers).  Then Bob is joined for a first look at the upcoming draft, with a guest appearance by Es Baraheni (Raptors Writer at Forbes).  We talk about our favorite prospects, the approaches we could see, and discuss some of the considerations the Cavs must factor in, as they head towards next season with decision to weigh.  

Creators & Guests

Esfandiar Baraheni
Member @ProHoopsWriters | Raptors Coverage @Forbes | Recaps @RaptorsRepublic | Sideline @CEBLeague | Past: @TheScore | @Tsn_sports

What is Fear the 'Fro: A Cleveland Cavaliers Podcast?

A Cleveland Cavs and NBA-centric basketball podcast from lifelong Cavaliers fan, Bob Schmidt. Reach Bob at bob@fropod.com, or @fearthefropod on Instagram, and X (Twitter).

Join the 'Fro discord here: https://discord.gg/gzmbTrhg