Just Fake It: Coming to LA

In this episode, we dive into part two of our experiences at the New York Film Academy, where we learned the ins and outs of filmmaking through a hands-on approach. We discuss the practical skills taught, from screenwriting and editing to handling cameras and pitching films, emphasizing the importance of understanding every aspect of filmmaking.

- Hands-On Learning: We highlight the importance of directly engaging in filmmaking during our studies, contrasting this with the more theoretical approaches of other schools.
- Skills Over Theory: We discuss the variety of classes that prepared us for multiple roles in the industry, not just limiting us to one aspect of filmmaking.
- Transition to Professional Work: We share our transitions from the academic setting to the harsh realities of the film industry, focusing on the critical, often blunt feedback from instructors that prepared us for the industry's challenges.
- Industry Realities: We cover the competitiveness and harsh truths of the entertainment industry in LA, including the struggles and strategies for new actors and filmmakers to make their mark.
- We laugh about our initial acting exercises, where we had to make animal sounds and crawl around — a stark contrast to the glamorous image of film school.
- We share a humorous tale of casting confusion and the miscommunications that often occurred between departments, leading to funny mix-ups during student projects.

This episode offers a candid and detailed discussion about the realities of film school and transitioning into the professional film industry. Our personal stories and insights provide valuable lessons and advice for aspiring filmmakers and actors on navigating their careers with realistic expectations and strategic planning.

What is Just Fake It: Coming to LA?

Welcome to Just Fake It: Coming to LA podcast. I am Nora from Kazakhstan, and I'm Maryna from Ukraine. We're just two girls who are trying to make our mark in this crazy, beautiful city of Los Angeles. It's about our journey, the highs, the lows and everything in between.

It's for anyone who's ever had a dream that seemed a little bit out of reach. So why should you listen? Well, because we're living this right now and we're figuring it out as we go, and we're not afraid to share the real deal, our mess ups, the breakthroughs real stories about navigating life in LA, the trends that catch our eyes, and the adventures that come with trying to stand out in the capital of entertainment and glamour. We're here to share our experiences, the good ones, the bad ones, the hilarious, and maybe inspire you to chase your own dreams, no matter where you are.

So come hang out with us on Just Fake It: Coming to LA. It's not about just making or breaking it. It's about living it one day at a time, and we're so excited to take you on a journey with us and build the community of dreamers just like ourselves.