Ms. InterPReted

Gini Dietrich of the @SpinSucks Community joins Kelly Fletcher and Mary Beth West on the #MsInterPReted Podcast, sharing experiences from her own career of PR agency entrepreneurship and thought-leadership ... including the pervasive issues of gender-based discrimination and misogyny in the industry that create unlevel playing fields confronted daily by women in PR, who compose some 70-80% of the PR industry (except in the male-dominated C-suite), depending on market.

But not all the news is challenging, as Gini points to the new generation of PR practitioners rising in the profession, as one of the brightest areas of the industry.

Show Notes

Recorded on #WorldPRDay (#WPRD), Kelly and Mary Beth welcome one of the PR industry's most prominent and prolific thought leaders, Gini Dietrich of Spin Sucks, an entire learning platform that Gini founded and her team manages, in service to the industry, including consulting work for fellow agency owners and entrepreneurs.

Gini opens up about her passion points for the industry, on both the positive / uplifting front as well as frustrating sides... and on the latter, including discrimination and misogyny that she has experienced first-hand as a business owner and public speaker. 

In this episode of #MsInterPReted, Gini opens up about personal (and shocking) experiences in her own career, and how the up-and-coming generation in PR will not suffer fools gladly or tolerate the discriminatory burdens that have all-too-often persisted in PR and in business / society. 

Gini also shares insights about other professional-practice ethics and qualities that hold great potential for the PR industry's advancement, if colleagues will embrace them. 

FOLLOW Gini Dietrich and Spin Sucks:
Twitter: @SpinSucks @GiniDietrich


What is Ms. InterPReted?

Public Relations stands as one of the most misunderstood, misinterpreted areas of business and organizational management. With Fletcher Marketing PR Founder and CEO Kelly Fletcher and Senior Strategist Mary Beth West, we’re here to turn around PR’s own bad PRess, cut through the nomenclature, and demystify public relations as the best pathway to create, grow and amplify the roots of positive management, communications, culture and careers -- for success that matters.