KCLR's Follow The Leaders

Follow the Leaders is our new programme where listeners will hear from the people who are leading the way and have already made the changes necessary to meet the challenges posed by climate change, and who are taking steps to reduce their carbon footprint.

Over the course of the series, we will be meeting individuals who represent the changes required across each of the themes in Ireland’s Climate Action Plan: Home / Energy; Travel; Food and Waste; The Circular Economy and Local Climate & Environmental Action and listeners will be able to find out in detail about what is involved in making meaningful changes across each of these five areas. 

Follow The Leaders aims to show that while thinking globally about climate change, there are people who are taking action locally, and if more people follow their lead, the necessary steps to halt the climate crisis can be achieved.

In the second episode of Follow the Leaders the focus of our discussion is on Home & Energy, with a specific focus on communities and homes.

Callan Community Energy's speaks about the targets that are being set in Callan over the long-term and the immediate future.

Senior engineer with the South East Energy Agency Alex Hamilton describes the various ways we can be more efficient with our energy use.

Carlow County Councilor Will Patton explains the work being done by the Tullow Tidy Towns Committee.

What is KCLR's Follow The Leaders?

Meet the people who are making the changes need to tackle climate change. A 15-part series beginning March 2023. Funded by the Broadcasting Authority of Ireland with the Television License Fee.