Aaron Glover Sermons

Aaron Glover Sermons Trailer Bonus Episode 32 Season 1

Leaving Egypt (By Fath series #3)

Leaving Egypt (By Fath series #3)Leaving Egypt (By Fath series #3)


When a baby named Moses was born to a Hebrew family, his parents chose to risk their lives and disobey Pharoah's orders by keeping their son alive and safe. They didn't know it at the time, but God would one day call Moses to lead a nation out of bondage and slavery. By faith, Moses led a nation under the calling, purpose, and provision that God had given. The faith of Moses' parents affected him, Moses' faith affected a nation, and the faith of a nation went out into the world in pursuit of God's promises.
As the Jews were led into the promised land, we also hear of a prostitute named Rahab, who by faith welcomed the Jews. Despite her sins, her faith was used by God and she was eventually included in the family line of Israel's greatest Kings- from David all the way to Jesus.
Our faith "going out" is meant to bring others "in", that God may save them, bless them, and use them for His glorious purposes!
This week, we continued our series "By Faith" exploring the incredible testimony and faithful legacy of our spiritual ancestors found in Hebrews 11.

Show Notes

When a baby named Moses was born to a Hebrew family, his parents chose to risk their lives and disobey Pharoah's orders by keeping their son alive and safe. They didn't know it at the time, but God would one day call Moses to lead a nation out of bondage and slavery. By faith, Moses led a nation under the calling, purpose, and provision that God had given. The faith of Moses' parents affected him, Moses' faith affected a nation, and the faith of a nation went out into the world in pursuit of God's promises. 
As the Jews were led into the promised land, we also hear of a prostitute named Rahab, who by faith welcomed the Jews. Despite her sins, her faith was used by God and she was eventually included in the family line of Israel's greatest Kings- from David all the way to Jesus.
Our faith "going out" is meant to bring others "in", that God may save them, bless them, and use them for His glorious purposes! 
This week, we continued our series "By Faith" exploring the incredible testimony and faithful legacy of our spiritual ancestors found in Hebrews 11. 

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