St. Luke University Parish

Fr. Rob delves into St. Paul's puzzling message about the Thessalonians' reception of the gospel with both great affliction and joy from the Holy Spirit. He shares his personal retreat experience, where he grappled with his own weaknesses and the unconditional love of God. Through the wisdom of St. Therese, Fr. Rob unravels the profound truth that God's love transcends our weaknesses and failures. He invites us to let go of self-sufficiency and embrace our littleness, ultimately finding unshakable trust in God's boundless love. This message resonates deeply, reminding us that after tribulation, the joy of the Holy Spirit awaits.

Creators & Guests

Homily editing and parish services.

What is St. Luke University Parish?

Find homilies from Fr. Robert Mulderink here at St. Luke University Parish's Podcast.