Unprocessed by I Quit Sugar

Today, we're in conversation with Aline McCarthy, a Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Practitioner with a profound health journey that has inspired her career. Aline intimately understands the challenges posed by chronic pain, inflammation, and various health issues, recognising the complexities of the healing journey toward a vibrant self.

In her role, she dedicates herself to supporting women in navigating the intricate realms of hormones and gut health. 
While the interconnectedness of our gut with the entire body is well-known, in this episode, we explore how the gut relates to perimenopause and uncover actionable strategies for everyday life to prepare for this transitional phase.

Aline McCarthy's Website: https://thewellnesswitches.com.au/
Aline McCarthy's Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thewellnesswitches/

I Quit Sugar 8-Week Program - Get 15% off with the code 'UNPROCESSED'

Meet Clara & Grace on Instagram:
Clara's Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/clara.mearns/?hl=en
Grace's Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/grace_16martin/?hl=en

What is Unprocessed by I Quit Sugar?

I Quit Sugar are bringing you an 8 episode series where we interview some incredible people who have so much wisdom to share on different areas of health and wellbeing. It’s our hope these conversations inspire you to take control of your health and live your fullest live in the process.