Doing The Most

We are back with brand new episodes of Ask Georgie. This season Ask Georgie will be a regular segment of the podcast. To kick off the questions I answer “Where is the line between consulting and helping?”

We’ve all heard the saying “If you love what you do, you’ll never work a day in your life.” That’s not 100% true, if you’re only doing what you love all the time with no clear line between helping and consulting there will be major problems.

Show Notes

We are back with brand new episodes of Ask Georgie. This season Ask Georgie will be a regular segment of the podcast. To kick off the questions I answer “Where is the line between consulting and helping?” We’ve all heard the saying “If you love what you do, you’ll never work a day in your life.” That’s not 100% true, if you’re only doing what you love all the time with no clear line between helping and consulting there will be major problems. ★ Support this podcast ★

What is Doing The Most?

In our modern day lens, entrepreneurship has become a huge trend. People fantasize over quitting their jobs, becoming their own boss, and gaining financial freedom. Everyone wants to be the next Steve Jobs, Oprah or Jeff Bezos. We get caught up with social influencers and billion-dollar startups aka the land of fairies and unicorns. People often forget the time, energy and money that gets invested into earning these magical moments. The nights spent crying, waking up to negative bank account balances, spats of depression, or working 22 hour work days. All entrepreneurs go through phases of misadventures. We are driven, persistent, hardworking, ambitious, we are doers, and these are our stories.