Quantum Heart Cafe

I am honored to welcome Elana Freeland onto the show, where we talk about Geoengineering, Transhumanism and how important it is to develop our consciousness and discipline in these strange times.

Elana's books can be ordered at the Rudolf Steiner bookstore located in Seattle Washington: https://rudolfsteinerbookstore.com/product/geoengineered-transhumanism/?autosuggest-term=geoe

If you are in Canada, they are also available at Banyen Books and Sounds https://www.banyen.com/search?search_api_views_fulltext=elana+freeland&field_product_reference_field_product_type=All&composite_views_filter=All&sort_by=search_api_relevance

Elana Freeland's work can also be found on her Website https://www.elanafreeland.com/ as well as on her social media accounts mainly Facebook https://www.facebook.com/groups/2969243943394206 and Gab group/ Geoengineered Transhumanism with Elana Freeland

Coming up on August 11th-13th is the MysTech conference happening in the Pacific Northwest. There are a number of distinguished speakers attending the event, including Elana Freeland, who will be speaking on topics such as technology and consciousness. The event will be both in person and online, if you would like to attend please follow this link. https://events.mystech.org/

What is Quantum Heart Cafe?

The quantum heart cafe is a place where I share my journey of healing and exploration as I discuss topics such as history, esoteric knowledge, spirituality, quantum physics etc, all while enjoying a cup of coffee. I hope you will join me with your favourite beverage in hand.