Let's Talk Teams

Michael Probert and Chris Zaugg sit down to talk about how to approach writing self-evaluations during performance reviews. Michael shares his experiences in the past and how vulnerability, self-reflection, and being specific are the key to a great self-eval.

Show Notes

Self evaluations are a such wild-cards during the performance review process. Every manager will want something different. Some will care a lot some won't care at all.

In this episode, Michael shares his tips for writing a well-rounded self-evaluation that isn't a recital of amazing feats and run-on sentences that aren't actually communicating anything.

Blog post mentioned: How to write a self-evaluation that will impress your boss by Michael Probert
For a full transcript, go to https://uptickapp.com/podcast

You can follow Michael on Twitter at @jmichaelprobert and Chris at @chriszaugg.

Let's Talk Teams is a podcast by Uptick the one-on-one tool that helps managers and their team members change vague meetings into meaningful conversations.

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What is Let's Talk Teams?

We couldn’t find the podcast on building great teams so we made our own to document and share what we're learning along the way. Let’s Talk Teams is a weekly show where we talk about leading, building, and contributing to great teams at work. Some episodes are a peek behind the curtain at the conversations we’re having at Uptick as our teams grow and adapt. Others will be interviews with managers or discussions about a recent blog post.