Beatitudes Radio

One of the most powerful of human needs is the need for significance. To feel special and unique is a need common to all human beings. Join Pastor Tony Minear, Ph.D. this week for a look at the shifting views of God throughout the Old Testament history and how it relates to our current situation.

Show Notes

One of the most powerful of human needs is the need for significance. To feel special and unique is a need common to all human beings. In times of crisis, such as the current global pandemic, not only do we want to know that we matter to others, we want to be seen and not isolated. Often times we turn to God to reaffirm our significance. Historically, we see this happening to the Israelites when they were taken into captivity by the Babylonians. The writer of Genesis introduces us to the Hebrew patriarch, Abraham, who is found special in the eyes of God. For the Israelites in captivity, they identified with Abraham in order to reclaim their lost sense of purpose and significance. Join Pastor Tony Minear, Ph.D. this week for a look at the shifting views of God throughout the Old Testament history and how it relates to our current situation. Examine the two ways in which we respond to the fear and uncertainty of the pandemic and what it says about our evolving view of God. Discover the importance of unifying that view of God amongst us all to face not only the current pandemic, but the threats and challenges of tomorrow.

Recorded live at Beatitudes Church in Phoenix, AZ on 4/17/20
Preaching: Rev. Tony Minear, Ph.D.
Scripture Reader: ellie hutchison
Scripture Reference from the Torah: Genesis 12:1-9
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Evolving Christianity in today's world. This podcast is a mix of thought-provoking interviews, insightful questions and the deeper meaning behind sacred texts.