The Happy Manual

Volunteering is a gift you give to your community. When you lend your time, energy and focus, without expectation to others, you’ll experience a wellbeing lift. It changes how you see and feel about yourself. When how we act is motivated by kindness, to support a cause and prioritise it over the stresses and strains in your own life, it’s a mood regulator, so says The Mental Health Organisation. Kindness is linked to self-esteem, increased wellbeing, it makes us feel more active and changes our brain for the better. It’s as good for you to volunteer, as it is for the community. In this episode of The Calm Club, Training Advisor Sue Hampson, along with her New Zealand-based daughter, Kellyanne, and her brand new granddaughter, chats about how volunteering creates a community when your support network of family and friends are far away.

Show Notes

Volunteering is a gift you give to your community. When you lend your time, energy and focus, without expectation to others, you’ll experience a wellbeing lift. It changes how you see and feel about yourself. When how we act is motivated by kindness, to support a cause and prioritise it over the stresses and strains in your own life, it’s a mood regulator, so says The Mental Health Organisation. Kindness is linked to self-esteem, increased wellbeing, it makes us feel more active and changes our brain for the better. It’s as good for you to volunteer, as it is for the community. In this episode of The Calm Club, Training Advisor Sue Hampson is dialling in from New Zealand. But this isn’t a regular holiday for Sue, this is the first time she’s ever been able to hold her eight-month-old granddaughter, now Covid restrictions have finally lifted. Along with her daughter, Kellyanne and her brand new granddaughter, we discuss how volunteering creates a community when your family and friends are far flung. 

What is The Happy Manual?

Welcome to The TSW Training Happy Manual, a career fulfilment and happiness at work magazine. Released once a quarter, its features are designed to enrich learner experience and inspire them to get the most from their qualifications.