The Next Reel Film Podcast

Does the heist come off as well as it does in the other films? How does Al Pacino work as the villain? Why are there so few women? And is that really Matt Damon’s nose? Tune in to this week’s show to find out these answers and more!

Show Notes

"There’s a code amongst guys that shook Sinatra’s hand!"

Even though Ocean’s Twelve was financially successful, it was largely disliked by audiences who saw it as a misfire. When the studio decided to make a follow-up, they returned the story to Vegas where the first film took place and made a film that largely feels like a return to form. But that doesn’t mean the film isn’t without its problems. Join us – Pete Wright and Andy Nelson – as we continue our Ocean’s series with Steven Soderbergh’s 2007 film Ocean’s Thirteen.

We talk about where the film falls on our own ranking of Soderbergh’s trilogy and ponder how anyone could see it any other way. We look at the direction they took the script with this one and look at all the various elements they amped up with ridiculous comedy, and how two of those moments feel very much like weak writing just to make the heist work. We look at the brilliant cast and discuss them, but notably point out Al Pacino added as the new villian and how wonderfully he works here. We also talk about the lack of women and why, also commenting on how wonderful it is to see Ellen Barkin again even if it’s a disappointingly written role. We look at what Soderbergh is doing here as cinematographer Peter Andrews on his last film shot on film. And we dig into the back story behind Linus’ fake nose and connections to Evel Knievel.

It’s a fun film with its own share of problems, but certainly a fitting entry into the Ocean’s franchise. We have a great time talking about it so check it out then tune in! The Next Reel – when the movie ends, our conversation begins.

Film Sundries

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The Next Reel team has been dedicated to reviews, news, and commentary on world film for a decade. This podcast is The Next Reel master feed including all the episodes of The Next Reel, Trailer Rewind, The Film Board, The Speakeasy, and the other shorts, interviews, and specials we've produced over the years.