S2: Sustainably Speaking Beyond the Aula

The increase in global temperature brought with it extreme weather events and shifts in seasons across the globe. In developing countries, there is a demand for 10-18 times more Climate Adaptation and Resilience (A&R) finance compared to current international public adaptation finance flows.
This episode discovers how the private sector can play a pivotal role within the A&R sector both as a solution and a finance provider. Your host, Marleen (EMP Batch 29), along with two guests, Rashmi Rawahar (UNIDO) and Helene Robert (E Co. and EMP Batch 21), will provide answers to the following guiding questions:
  • What is climate adaptation and resilience? 
  • What are concrete examples of solutions provided by the private sector? 
  • What are the challenges and barriers to secure funding for private sector projects? 
Sources used in the episode:
Further readings: 

Creators & Guests

Marleen Mammen

What is S2: Sustainably Speaking Beyond the Aula?

Are you ready to embark on a sustainability conversation that takes you beyond the typical classroom setting? Look no further than our new student-led podcast series, which gives you a deeper understanding which sustainability topics are currently in focus at the IIIEE and in the IIIEE expert network. In each episode, we bring you conversations between sustainability change-agents at the IIIEE. Led by EMP and MESPOM students, the mini-series covers broad insights into the student body, the programs, and inspirational figures of one of the most prestigious sustainability research institutions in Europe. With themes ranging from food, industry, business innovation, and urban sustainability, this podcast is the perfect way to stay informed and inspired on the latest developments in the field of sustainability research, practices as well as policy and legislation. So what are you waiting for? Join us to learn more about and to spread the sustainability insights, challenges and opportunities!