Plastics & Beyond

Lilian Judy wraps up her first season with her Plastics & Beyond podcast by reflecting on her journey in understanding diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI); discussing her experiences and those of others with diverse backgrounds in engineering; and her hopes for improvements as younger generations who have higher expectations for DEI enter the engineering workforce.

Show Notes

Lilian Judy wraps up her first season with her Plastics & Beyond podcast by reflecting on her journey in understanding diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI); discussing her experiences and those of others with diverse backgrounds in engineering; and expressing her hopes for improvements as younger generations who have higher expectations for DEI enter the engineering workforce.

Lilian Judy is the host of the Plastics & Beyond podcast, an applications engineer, and founder of the Women In Engineering Mentorship Organization (WEMO).

This podcast is sponsored by SPE-Inspiring Plastics Professionals.

What is Plastics & Beyond?

The Plastics and Beyond Podcast is an SPE-sponsored podcast hosted by Lilian Judy that is curated to discuss diversity, equity and inclusion in the manufacturing industry.

This Podcast is designed to provide in-depth conversations around inclusion in the plastics industry, while exploring the trials, tribulations and discrimination underrepresented groups have had to overcome and are still facing. With the aim to empower and recognize underrepresented groups, our philosophy is to envision an inclusive world and take action to make the world a better place.

If you’re aiming to take the next step, listen to discover a new plastically inclusive perspective today. Tune in every month for new DEI-verse conversations.