Prodity: Product by Design

With four decades of experience in UX design, Dorothy Shamonsky, Ph.D has seen the evolution of design from its earliest days. In this episode, Kyle and Dorothy discuss the importance of good UX design, showing the value of UX, and understanding users. We also discuss the current state of UX and the changes to UX and design over the years, including the specialization and siloing of designers. We also discuss the future of technology, including AI and its implications on design. Finally, we explore natural user interfaces (NUIs) 

Dorothy Shamonsky, Ph.D
Dorothy is the UX Strategy Officer at Mass.-based Integrated Computer Solutions (ICS) and its design studio Boston UX. Dorothy is focused on designing natural user interfaces (NUIs) to achieve simple-but-compelling user experiences for IoT devices, specializing in robotics, medical and automotive. She’s managed creative teams at MTV, Merrill Lynch and elsewhere; taught design at NYU, Pratt Institute and Brandeis; and earned a doctorate at MIT and a BFA from the Rhode Island School of Design.

Links from the Show:
LinkedIn: Dorothy Shamonsky
Books: Brave NUI World, Superintelligence
Links: BostonUX, ICS

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Fascinating conversations with founders, leaders, and experts about product management, artificial intelligence (AI), user experience design, technology, and how we can create the best product experiences for users and our businesses.