Insights with Don Mills and David Campbell- An Acadia Broadcasting Podcast

On this week’s Insights podcast, Don and David are starting a series on the forest products sector in Atlantic Canada.   The region’s forests support thousands of good paying jobs and generate hundreds of millions of dollars in tax revenue for the region’s governments each year.   New Brunswick generates more gross domestic product (GDP) and export revenue from the forest products sector than any other province in Canada, adjusted for population size.  Kim Allen, Executive Director of  Forest NB and Mike Legere, Government Relations Manager at AV Group join Don and David to cover topics ranging from workforce challenges and the sustainability of the wood supply to the impact of carbon taxes on the sector’s competitiveness.   The conversation also highlights the advantages of the sector. As one example, Legere calls New Brunswick’s Crown Lands and Forests Act a ‘brilliant’ piece of legislation.  To learn all about the forest products industry, its challenges and opportunities, download the podcast now. 

What is Insights with Don Mills and David Campbell- An Acadia Broadcasting Podcast?

This podcast combines the experiences of an economist, David Campbell and a social scientist, Don Mills, to explore the challenges and opportunities facing Atlantic Canada, to promote data-driven decision making among policymakers and to encourage a wider dialogue and debate leading to greater prosperity for the region. Expect to hear interviews with the top influencers, business leaders and decision-makers across Atlantic Canada to inform, educate and expand the conversations on the key issues facing the region.