Language Hacking

Turia Pope, a Fluent in 3 Months Challenge participant, shares her experience going from an on-again-off-again Spanish learner to a confident Spanish speaker with the Fluent in 3 Months Challenge. She also shares how she travels alone with her children in Spanish-speaking countries, developing a homeschooling curriculum for Spanish, and how she responded to emergency situations in Spanish.

Show Notes

This episode features Turia, who learned Spanish to the conversational level in just 90 days with the Fluent in 3 Months Challenge.

Turia shares her experience going from an on-again-off-again Spanish learner to a confident Spanish speaker with the Fluent in 3 Months Challenge. She also shares how she travels alone with her children in Spanish-speaking countries, developing a homeschooling curriculum for Spanish for her children, and how she responded to emergency situations in Spanish.

We actually guarantee that anyone who completes the Fluent in 3 Months Challenge will have a 15-minute conversation in their new language after 90 days of learning. You can find out more here.

Featured Resources
Mentioned in this Episode
Episode Overview

Some of the topics brought up during the interview are:
  • How the Fluent in 3 Months Challenge helped Turia become a confident learner after 20 years of learning on and off again
  • How Turia is teaching her three kids to speak fluent Spanish
  • Moving to Spain for immersion and learning about the culture
  • Incorporating Spanish into a homeschooling curriculum
  • Navigating tricky or nightmare situations in another language
  • What it’s like traveling alone with kids
  • Turia’s favorite rituals and resources for learning Spanish
  • Making friends and building relationships in Spanish
  • Letting kids’ language studies be child-led
More Resources

After we recorded this episode, Turia was kind enough to share more specific resources with us.
  • Spanish champs - a program that includes a script and is song/activity based. It also includes a dvd with clips incorporating the songs taught.
  • Talkbox Mom - a subscription service that offers resources to help you switch your day to day interactions into your new language.
  • Whistlefritz - a foreign language show for kids by kids available on Amazon prime.
Podcast theme: “A New Beginning” by Shannon Kennedy

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What is Language Hacking?

Benny Lewis and Shannon Kennedy meet real-life language learners and discover smarter, faster ways to learn a language. Learn more at: