Tut Altz - Classic Take

Tut Altz - Classic Take Trailer Bonus Episode 3 Season 2

Is Merely believing in Moshiach good enough?

Is Merely believing in Moshiach good enough?Is Merely believing in Moshiach good enough?

Belief in Moshiach isn't just a thought; it's a call to action. It’s about anticipation and preparation—doing what it takes to make it happen. When one’s belief in Moshiach permeates their entire being, it paves the way for the belief to turn into reality. 

What is Tut Altz - Classic Take?

Classic Take is a weekly, 20-minute series on the fundamentals of Moshiach. Join Rabbi Sholom Zirkind on a journey through the Gemaras, Midrashim, the Rambam, and other classic and chassidic sources; gain an appreciation, an understanding and deeper knowledge of the basics of Moshiach.