Movin’ with Mel and Marm

Part 2: Get to know your Realtor, Marmie Leech! This time, Melissa asks Marmie 20 surprise questions with zero preparation. We laugh, we cry, we question our judgment, and we learn things we didn’t need to know about Marmie.

  • Marmie’s describes her favorite food and the random answer might surprise you
  • Marmie is asked to recall an embarrassing moment from childhood
  • If you didn’t know that Marmie snaps backwards, you will after this episode

What is Movin’ with Mel and Marm?

Co-hosts, Melissa Touris and Marmie Leech, are REALTORS® in Dallas, TX with a passion to educate and inform - all while having a great time! Join us for a bi-weekly conversation of real estate tips, current events, and entertaining escapades.