Mission Forge

If it is not broke, do not fix it. There are many paths to success in RE that do not involve video. If you are good at prospecting in other ways and you are anxious about starting video, the perhaps video is not right for you. Spend more time strengthening what works for you and improving your conversion rates.

Show Notes

It's been the drum beat for years. Get started on video. It's not too late. If you do not start soon, you will miss the boat. 

I know this causes anxiety in agents who struggle with not starting video. I talk to them and they beat them selves up for not being involved in video.

 So I have this click bate podcast title... (I added the ? to be more realistic) Don't use video in your RE. I have to qualify that. The benefits of video are pretty clear: It can separate you from your competition Help your prospects know you before they work with you. Help your prospects make initial decisions about working with you before you have met them. It can help market your property It can be fun and free and far more effective than other expensive marketing. 

But I know a lot of agents who do not use video or even social. And they do just fine, better than fine. And the reason I say, don't do video is that you only have so much time and energy. If video is not working for you, then you need to put energy into what does work for you. Identify the campaigns you can get behind since they resonate with your prospects. If you can harvest the resonance then you are off to the races. 

Imagine if you spent time beating the video horse and it lead to no business for you? Meanwhile you had other campaigns which were effective and you were sidetracked trying to get comfortable with your video work. I am going to finish out the way I started but first let me say there are ways to do simple videos that do not need your face and voice to be the center piece. 

Sometimes I think it boils down agents thinking VIDEO only means them talking about a subject. But video has blown up into a million different options. However, the point is, do not do video if you have other things working or if you can try some other strong marketing ideas. I do not want agents causing unneeded anxiety in their lives over this topic. Just agree that video is not for you and move on and get the job done other ways.

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