Follow Your Bliss

Do you let doubt, overwhelm, or the "great unknown" hold you back from stepping fully into what you desire most? Catch this rare opportunity for world-renowned poet, Kirk Nugent, to inspire you to start living your dreams.

Show Notes

Do you let doubt, overwhelm, or the "great unknown" hold you back from stepping fully into what you desire most? Catch this rare opportunity for world-renowned poet, Kirk Nugent, to inspire you to start living your dreams. Through his live performance of the soul-expanding poem "Pursue Your Passion" and personal story of paving a path to greatness, you'll be fired up to do the work to make your dreams a reality.

Connect with Kirk Nugent:

What is Follow Your Bliss?

Motivation and momentum to do what makes your soul shine. Each week, top ranking podcast host, soul strength strategist, and social impact entrepreneur Jessica Flint helps you overcome your fear, shift your mindset, and create an abundant dream life where you can be the most expansive, confident, and authentic version of you. This podcast features heart-to-heart conversations with successful authors, entrepreneurs, spiritual leaders, experts and everyday all-stars like you about their path to greater purpose.