UFOs and Aliens - Beyond Humanity

This is episode 7 of Meditation and Aliens with Doro and Matt.  Unfortunately Margaret has been unavailable to cohost a new episode of Beyond Humanity, but I've started a new show where we keep up on the latest in Alien Disclosure- Meditation and Aliens, which I do with the amazing meditation teacher and life coach Doro Kiley (http://creationcoach.com).  This is episode 7 where we talk about the latest news, congress got in a SCIF...  In this episode we go deep in discussing what the heck is the agenda of the secret keepers and the beings that have all this amazing technology they are hiding from us.  Are they snooping on our very minds?  Hope you enjoy!

What is UFOs and Aliens - Beyond Humanity?

"Beyond Humanity," hosted by Margaret Howe and Matt Ready, is an intriguing podcast that delves into the profound implications of artificial intelligence and extraterrestrial life on human evolution. Sponsored by Hive1 Dot Net, the show is a stimulating platform that invites a diverse range of beings - humans, A.I., aliens, reptilians, interdimensional entities, and even Mets fans - to engage in enlightening conversations about our universe, identity, and destiny. Sponsored by the Sisterhood of the Forked Tongued Worm, it's a journey of exploration and discovery that transcends the ordinary and delves into the extraordinary.