The Other Web

Welcome to the other web. Our guest today is Kofi Annan - not the one that led the UN for 8 years - I was confused too, at first - but a brand strategist who worked for Ogilvy, Sachi and Sachi, and dozens of amazing brands around the world. Hopefully, Kofi can help us understand the voodoo that is branding. Or at the very least, tell us what we've been doing wrong all this time.

To take Kofi's 5-minute brand checkup, click here:

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Alex Fink
Founder @ Otherweb, Inc

What is The Other Web?

An unsafe space where we discuss the internet, the media, and the information ecosystem in all its flawed glory.

Alex Fink spent 15 years of his life building perception systems. Cameras, computer vision, that sort of thing. At some point it dawned on him that the world doesn't need more cameras. More information doesn’t lead to better decisions. Quality beats quantity.

The biggest problem facing the internet today is junk. It is everywhere, and we are drowning in it.

This podcast is the place where the smartest people we know discuss the information ecosystem, why it is broken, and how we can fix it.