Heart to Heart Living in the PURPLE

Rosemary from Second Nature Healing emphasized the importance of tapping into intuition and maintaining a high vibrational state for manifesting opportunities and maintaining health. She shared personal experiences and discussed the potential benefits of using Avini products, highlighting their impact on energy levels and overall health. The conversation ended with an open invitation for further questions or discussions, encouraging attendees to share their experiences with others and foster positive relationships.

Creators & Guests

Rosemary Levesque
Owner and founder of Second Nature Healing LLC, Rosemary is a Licensed Spiritual Healer and leader in Avini Health

What is Heart to Heart Living in the PURPLE?

Raise your vibration and love of life. What makes you more ALIVE? Weekly recordings about Avini products and business, focusing on your heart-to-heart connection. We help people be healthy, help others, and change the world with hope, the discovery of natural healing, and a team to support our mission and passion by LIVING IN THE PURPLE.
* Products mentioned in these recordings have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. We encourage you to learn and feel empowered to make your own choices to LIVE IN THE PURPLE