A Stoic Letter Weekly

Letter 16 of Seneca's epistulae morales ad lucilium ("On Philosophy, The Guide Of Life"). Presented by stoicletters.com. Narrated by Ross Camsell.

Show Notes

This week's letter is #16 of Seneca's epistulae morales ad lucilium ("On Philosophy, The Guide Of Life"). A production of stoicletters.com. Subscribe to our podcast for weekly narrations of stoic letters. Narrated by Ross Camsell.

Prefer paper? Visit stoicletters.com to get letters from Seneca mailed to your door on parchment once a week. The perfect way to explore stoicism in small doses.

What is A Stoic Letter Weekly?

Looking to explore stoicism? Enjoy a narrated letter from Seneca's Epistulae Morales ad Lucilium once a week. Also available by mail. Learn to think like a stoic on contemplative walks, your daily commute, or however you choose to enjoy podcast.

Letters and writings from other famous stoics and philosophers, including Marcus Aurelius, will follow once this series conclude.