The Modern Manager

What is your career goal as a manager?

Managers play an essential role across all types of companies, and there are many levels for managers within an organization. But knowing which management level is right for you and how to advance your career isn't always clear. Fortunately, our guest has all the answers to your career path questions.

Today's guest is Sonja "Dynamo" Price. Sonja is a Top Career Strategist, Salary Advisor, and Leadership Coach. She has authored two books on career advancement, has a Master's Degree in Leadership and Organizational Development, and is a Certified Career and Executive Coach. She trained with Al Gore to become a Climate Reality Leader and is actively engaged with the Seattle Board of Conscious Capitalism.

In this week's episode, Sonja and I talk about the things you should consider when thinking about what managerial level is right for you and how to make it happen.

We also get into the details on what to do if your company doesn't give you the promotion you were hoping for, how to handle a conversation with a team member who wants to advance their career, and so much more!

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Conversation Topics
  • (00:00) Intro
  • (02:15) How do you know if middle management or a senior leadership position is for you
  • (07:44) What steps should you consider when advancing your career?
  • (15:56) How managers can handle a conversation when an underperforming team member wants to be a manager
  • (20:38) Do you need an advanced degree when moving up the ladder?
  • (24:55) What to do if your company doesn’t give you the promotion you requested?
  • (28:49) A great manager Sonja has worked for
  • (30:52) Keep up with Sonja
  • (32:09) [Extended Episode Only] How do you evaluate whether or not a promotion or project is right for you
  • (37:19) [Extended Episode Only] How to approach your manager when you’re ready for a promotion

Additional Resources:

- Get the extended episode by Joining The Modern Manager Community for just $15 per month
- Read the full transcript here
- Read the related blog article here
- Follow me on Instagram here 
- Visit my website for more here

Connect with Sonja:

- Follow Sonja on Instagram here 
- Find her on LinkedIn here
- Check out her website for more information here

Giveaway: 5 Book Copies of “The Pivot Point System”

Sonja is offering 5 copies of her book, “The Pivot Point System: 5 Keys To Unlock Your Career, Health and Wealth”, to members of The Modern Manager community. This book offers hacks you can use to elevate your mindset, health, image, career, and wealth to build a better life, one step at a time. In your hands, you will hold a collection of 100 years of experience and dozens of proven processes that will allow you to make necessary changes.

Get a chance to win a copy of this book and many other member benefits when you join The Modern Manager Community.


The Modern Manager is a leadership podcast for rockstar managers who want to create a working environment where people thrive and great work gets done.

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Host Mamie Kanfer Stewart shares practical approaches to help you be a great manager. Learn more at:

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