Live Lead Last Podcast

James and Lisa interview Sweepstakes Guru Rachel Travis who has won over $400K in cash and prizes. She share her story of how she first started entering sweepstakes and some of the crazy things she has won. Rachel also shares how her abundance mindset has helped her turn a personal hobby into a passion for teaching people how to also enter and win sweepstakes through her Sweepstakes Masterclass.

Show Notes

James and Lisa interview Sweepstakes Guru Rachel Travis who has won over $400K in cash and prizes.  She share her story of how she first started entering sweepstakes and some of the crazy things she has won.  Rachel also shares how her abundance mindset has helped her turn a personal hobby into a passion for teaching people how to also enter and win sweepstakes through her Sweepstakes Masterclass.


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Guest Resources:

Connect with Rachel on Instagram
Connect with Rachel on Facebook
Website: Sweepstakes Masterclass

Additional Resources:

Sweetie Sweeps

What is Live Lead Last Podcast?

We each have one life to live. The way we live our lives and leverage our influence today will determine the legacy we leave tomorrow. James and Lisa Duvall bring their 27 years of marriage, raising three kids, leadership at one of the largest churches in the United States, and background in emotional intelligence, Meyers Briggs and Enneagram coaching to help listeners thrive in all areas of life, leadership and longevity.