Joining us in this encore interview is Dr.Peter Wells, Chief of the Section for Higher Education at the UNESCO Headquarters in Paris, which is responsible for the overall coordination of the UNITWIN/UNESCO Chairs program. The Section’s other activities include: promoting quality enhancement and assurance mechanisms for higher education institutions (HEIs) and systems; the internationalization of higher education programs through the mobility of students and researchers facilitated by the five UNESCO Regional Recognitions of HE Qualifications; and the widening of access to quality HE and increasing of lifelong learning opportunities at HEIs through systematic approaches to ICT enabled learning (including open and distance learning, the promotion of MOOCs and Open Education resources).
Before taking on his role as Chief of Section at UNESCO, Wells was Director of Bucharest College (BPTC), Higher Education Programme Specialist at UNESCO, Academic supervisor at Higher Colleges of Technology, Lecturer at the Polish Open University, Special Education Consultant at the Council on Foreign Relations and Political Risk Analyst at Euler Hermes.
Wells holds a BA in European Studies from the University of Leicester, an MSc in International Relations and Affairs from Florida State University, and a Doctor of Philosophy in Quality Enhancement in Tertiary Education from the Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu in Romania.
What is Higher Ed Without Borders?
Higher Ed Without Borders is a podcast series dedicated to education professionals worldwide. Each episode is a conversation with thought leaders to enlighten and provide new thoughts on critical issues facing higher education. The program is a production from Edu Alliance, an international consultancy located in Abu Dhabi, UAE, and Bloomington, Indiana.
DISCLAIMER : Higher Ed Without Borders is not in any way affiliated with Doctors Without Borders, which is a registered trademark of Bureau International de Médecins Sans Frontières.