Shape the Conversation

Nicole and Jon both have made their careers as advertising professionals and heard all the sarcastic jokes at dinner parties about it. But why does it feel like more than ever people distrust advertisers and marketing? Polls show that advertising professionals rank alongside lawyers as some of the least trusted professions by the general public. While our hosts are a little biased, they have some theories as to why the climate is so negative in advertising and what our industry can do to correct it.

Show Notes

People seem predisposed to resist advertising and marketing because they don't want to feel manipulated. People also tend to lump all advertising in with the worst advertising they are exposed to.

Nicole and Jon dug into people's relationship to advertising/marketing and covered topics like:

- How Jon believes people don't hate advertising, they hate bad advertising.
- Bad advertising = wrong person, wrong time, wrong message
- How great advertising can truly enrich someone's life.
- Some of the best and worst advertising Nicole and Jon have seen in the market today. 
- Why search advertising is close to the perfect advertising experience 
- Breaking down the opinion some people hold of "advertising doesn't work on me."
- Why it only takes a few bad ads to change your mindset on advertising as a whole.
- It's important to be more than an Excel Wizard. 

We think bad advertising comes from marketers forgetting there is a human on both ends of the conversation. Having more empathy for who is seeing the ad, when they are seeing the ad and how the message speaks to them is more important than ever. 

Don't get lost in the data all the time. Pick your head up out of the Excel sheet more often and think about the person consuming your advertising. 

What is Shape the Conversation?

A podcast hosted by Nicole Mears and Jon Davis. Broadcasting from Bend, Oregon.