Designlab Brew

What is it like to have been at the University of Twente for over 34 years? What of this experience will you take with you as you move to become Rector Magnificus at the University of Amsterdam?

These are some of the questions our hosts Riki Ogawa and Twan Wildeboer asked Peter-Paul Verbeek in the first episode of the DesignLab Brew podcast. Peter-Paul studied philosophy of Science and Technology at the University of Twente, and then pursued an academic career in the field, spearheading his technological mediation theory and eventually leading the philosophy department at the University.

In this interview, we explore his career in Twente, his childhood dream of becoming a pianist, how he’s preparing for his new role in Amsterdam and his advice for students looking for their direction in life.

What is Designlab Brew?

Welcome to DesignLab Brew, a digital space where DesignLabs DreamTeam invites guests from diverse backgrounds, disciplines, and industries for casual conversations about the future. Through these discussions, we aim to foster creative collaboration, share knowledge, and explore the impact of Designlab and the responsible futuring approach on society.

DesignLab is an ecosystem that values plural perspectives and expertise from individuals as well as organisations, nurturing collaborative projects that transcend disciplinary and professional domains. So, grab a virtual cup of coffee, and join us as we brew up some insightful conversations about responsible futuring and its role in shaping our future!