Expat Diaries - Costa Rica Edition

Richard met his wife in Minnesota. Originally from the UK, he didn't expect to meet his future Costa Rican wife in the USA. The awesome businesses that Richard has started to help investors navigate this wonderful country and learn all that you need to know to buy here, build here and run a business in Costa Rica, are invaluable.

To learn more about investing in Costa Rica, visit Richards website:
Listen to his podcast here: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/costa-rica-investments-real-estate-relocation/id1552237433
or here: https://open.spotify.com/show/281REgDsjFBkdOX1lJsfiX?si=9S5d_NwVSxmuK6fkrS_G2g&utm_medium=share&utm_source=linktree&nd=1&dlsi=d7d8cd472ef94c27

{{Expat Diaries Costa Rica}}{{Living in Costa Rica}}{{Costa Rica expat life}}{{Moving to Costa Rica}}{{Costa Rica adventure}}{{Life abroad Costa Rica}}{{Costa Rica culture}}{{International living Costa Rica}}{{Costa Rica relocation guide}}{{Expat interviews Costa Rica}}{{Costa Rica travel tips}}{{Expatriate experiences}}{{Costa Rica living costs}}{{Settling in Costa Rica}}{{Costa Rica lifestyle}}{{Adventure lifestyle}}{{Tropical living}} {{Costa Rica expat advice}}{{Pura Vida lifestyle}}{{Global nomads Costa Rica}}

What is Expat Diaries - Costa Rica Edition?

Welcome to 'Expat Diaries - Costa Rica Edition', the weekly podcast that dives into the vibrant and challenging world of expats who've traded their familiar homes for the lush, tropical paradise of Costa Rica. Join us as we explore captivating stories from a diverse group of adventurers who dared to embrace a new way of life.
Each episode is a unique journey, filled with insights about the hurdles, joys, and transformative experiences encountered when settling in this beautiful Central American haven. Perfect for those with an adventurous spirit and a thirst for the unconventional, our podcast offers an exhilarating peek into the expat life, colored with the rich, vivid hues of Costa Rican culture. So, tune in, get excited, and let's embark on this journey together!