Clear as Quantum

Thomas Volz discusses what the word "engineered" has to do with quantum science, and gives an exciting overview of the emerging quantum industry.

Show Notes

Thomas Volz discusses what the word "engineered" has to do with quantum science, and gives an exciting overview of the emerging quantum industry.

Thomas builds - or engineers - exotic quantum particles that don't occur in nature! These new kinds of material are part matter and part light, and are made using laser light bouncing between two mirrors (a bit like in a hotel elevator) that interacts with atoms in the gap between the mirrors. The idea of "quantum engineering" extends into a lively and rapidly growing range of industrial applications, and Thomas talks about co-founding a tech startup growing out of his research lab. We also touch on the impact of enthusiastic teachers and the birth of quantum science!

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What is Clear as Quantum?

Clear as Quantum is an EQUS podcast about quantum science and the exciting technologies that are getting ready to unleash a quantum revolution. In this “spooky podcast at a distance” we’ll try to dust the cobwebs out of the quantum physics realm that's entangling our lives. Over the course of 10 episodes you’ll hear from some of Australia’s leading quantum scientists, and learn things worth knowing about.