Itz Why With Lynn Lessell: Managing Stress To Be Your True Self

In this week's IPP Thursday episode, Lynn poses some thought-provoking questions for listeners to ponder. The focus of the episode centers around the age-old dilemma of work-life balance and the tough decisions that we often have to make in order to prioritize the things that matter most to us. Lynn challenges us to think about a time when we had to put something else ahead of work, and what the outcome of that decision was. But then, she takes it a step further and asks us to consider an even more difficult scenario - one where we had to put something ahead of family. How do we handle that situation and what factors do we consider in determining which comes first? Tune in to this week's IPP Thursday episode to hear Lynn's insights and strategies for managing the delicate balance between work and family life.

What is Itz Why With Lynn Lessell: Managing Stress To Be Your True Self?

Do you realize what stress is costing yourself, relationships, business/work? Did you know that there is something you can do about it? Join The Identity Coach, Lynn Lessell, as we learn how to manage the stress that we didn't even know about and take control to become our true selves.

Together, we will discover the obstacles that are holding us back. Through Inner Power Partners (IPP) we have created a community so you will never be alone on your journey of unleashing your inner power.