Make Me A Nerd with Mandy Kaplan

This week, Mandy embarks on a mission to appreciate the appeal of Aliens, and a genre she admits to having little experience with. Her guide through this new territory is Darnell Smith, a longtime friend and self-proclaimed sci-fi expert. For their cinematic journey, Darnell selects James Cameron’s film, one he believes to be the pinnacle of the franchise despite its departure from the original's tone.

Throughout their discussion, Mandy questions whether "Aliens" belongs in the sci-fi category, finding its action-heavy plot and lack of nuanced alien characters more akin to a typical military movie set in space. She does, however, express fascination with the film's detailed depiction of a futuristic Earth, particularly the mundane aspects of daily life. Darnell, on the other hand, focuses on the film's deeper themes, connecting the relentless nature of the alien creatures to the horrors of the unknown and humanity's tendency towards hubris.

Sure, Mandy leans toward relatable characters and immersive world-building, while Darnell emphasizes the genre's ability to explore complex themes through fantastical scenarios. Still, Mandy's enthusiasm for the material is a huge win for nerddom. Whether or not "Aliens" fully converts Mandy into a sci-fi enthusiast remains to be seen, but the episode does offer an interesting glimpse into the subjective nature of genre and the diverse ways in which audiences connect with stories.

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What is Make Me A Nerd with Mandy Kaplan?

Hey folks. Mandy Kaplan here. I’d like to share a bit about my intentions and mission for MMAN if you’ll indulge me. You will? Huzzah!

Look, I am a lot of things. I’m a writer, actress, mother, and lover of musicals and cats, but NOT Cats, The Musical. Give me a little bit of credit, would ya? So...throughout my life, I’ve been surrounded (and intrigued) by all things nerd. A sister who plays D&D, a Star Wars-obsessed husband, friends who love anime, comic books, video games, and...well, you get the picture. Somehow, I have always held it all at arm's length. Not to get too deep, but maybe I never thought I was smart enough to follow it. Or maybe I have control issues and have never been able to embrace fantastical things like dragons and time travel. Until now!

So, with an open mind and heart, I am ready to join this massive (and beautifully inclusive) club and GEEK THE #%$ OUT! It’s time for all my wonderfully strange friends to baptize me into NERD-DOM. Please join me on this journey. Who knows? Maybe you’ll discover or remember a side of yourself along the way. Or at least make fun of me as I try!