That Worked

Taylor Crane is the Founder of Fractional Jobs. Fractional Jobs is the job board for startups to reach and recruit fractional talent. These are part-time leaders embedded into startups to help them scale

Before Fractional Jobs, Taylor founded Clubs Poker, which he started in 2020 and sold in 2023. 

In this episode, you’ll learn:
  • How to turn a problem into a business 
  • The pros and cons of taking Venture Capital
  • How to cost-effectively grow through acquisition 
  • How taking on investment impacts your business 
  • The difference between bootstrapping and taking on investment 

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What is That Worked?

Host Callan Harrington breaks down the careers of top founders and executives, pulling out the key items that led to their success. These are actual career transitions, mistakes, insights, breakthroughs, and general advice that can be immediately implemented.