Just DAO It: A Podcast for People Starting DAOs

I interview Crypto Bushi of DAOpunks.

Show Notes

Crypto Bushi’s background and how he got into DAOs:
During the lockdown, Crypto Bushi started trading crypto with encouragement from his friends. He started to do some research and eventually found crypto Twitter. When NFTs started to take off, he decided that would be his next endeavor. Now he makes NFTs and he is active in the web3 space.

Avoiding early growing pains of DAOs:
You need a strong team for any web3 project. Everything should be made to the highest level of  quality possible. Everyone should be excited and empowered to work within their specific zone of genius. Problems are inevitable, so the excitement needs to be there for when those challenges arise.

Crypto Bushi’s favorite tools:
A relationship with a great developer is the most valuable thing that you could possibly have to build a successful DAO. There are too many tools out there, and advice from an expert developer can help you pick the best ones.

Favorite DAOs to check out:
Bankless is one of the top ones as well as DAO Punks. He also recommends Cult DAO, because the fundamental governance structure has been solid since the launch date. There are also a lot of problems that people can learn from. Also, check out Social DAO, and Boys Club for any women listening.

Top advice for people starting DAOs today:
You can’t expect people to work for free. Even if you think you are working towards a good cause, you are going to have to start compensating if you want the best people on your team.

Connect with Crypto Bushi

Connect with Adam

What is Just DAO It: A Podcast for People Starting DAOs?

Just DAO It! is a podcast for people starting DAOs. Are you thinking about starting a DAO? Just DAO It! Every episode will cover recent DAO news, tweets, and posts from around the web. We’ll break down what the news means for you and combine it with great advice from people who have started or contributed to successful DAOs.

Disclaimer: Just DAO It! is for educational and entertainment purposes only. Just DAO It does **not** contain any legal or financial advice. MIDAO also does not provide legal or financial advice, and nor does your host, yours truly.

Just DAO It! is hosted by Adam Miller, the founder of MIDAO, the company that provides legal entities for DAOs.