Chris Waddell Living It

While he was still in Chemotherapy, Brian convinced his parents to hit the Nordic jumps at his home in Steamboat Springs, Colorado. With each bigger jump he was more and more hooked. Then he convinced them to let him join the program. Nordic Combined became his sport when he followed his friends not realizing that it meant the pain of Cross-Country skiing, but he soon realized that he had a talent for that pain and was rewarded for being tough the way that he had been as a little kid having to get his blood drawn. That joy and toughness led to two Olympic and five World Championship Teams. Now, he works with one of the preeminent knee clinics in the world, giving so many others an opportunity to live fully. 

What is Chris Waddell Living It?

Our greatest risk is taking no risk at all. Hall of Fame Paralympic athlete and the first "nearly unassisted" paraplegic to summit Mt Kilimanjaro in a handcycle Chris Waddell interviews people, who had been dropped into a situation that forced them to confront everything they'd thought to be true. "Experts in the Experience of Being Human," Paralympians, artists, athletes, entrepreneurs, share their fight/struggle/strategy to succeed in the face of adversity.