Unless EMRs have become sentient and we missed the memo, humans are ultimately the cause of an ‘EMR error’ South Australia Health is currently investigating.

What’s required to save the NHS? There’s a new sheriff in the town that is the United Kingdom and he’s a big fan of tech. Can he course correct the NHS?

Should we be worried about life expectancy numbers going in the wrong direction? George and Louise discuss longevity science and healthspan and the role of digital, data and where the Kardashians sit on the hype curve.

Our guest today is Catherine de Fontenay, Commissioner at the Productivity Commission discussing their newly released report Leveraging Digital Technology in Healthcare.

Tis the season for all things strategy! This week Pulse+IT Editor in Chief, Kate McDonald has an update on the plethora of digital health strategies across the planet, including a pretty good one on aged care by the Australian government.

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Production by Octopod Productions | Ivan Juric

What is PULSE?

PULSE, the podcast, produced by Pulse+IT and hosted by digital health legends Louise Schaper and George Margelis, is an enlightening, entertaining look at global digital health trends and current debates with our hosts’ deep takes on all the latest news in digital health.