The Recovering Nice Guy - With Chuck Chapman, M.A.

If you want to be attractive, they say don't be needy. But this is bad advice. It's not neediness that makes you unattractive; it's neurotic validation. This video discusses the crucial but often misunderstood distinction between men seeking validation and being needy. The speaker debates the commonly held belief that seeking external validation signifies weakness and neediness, arguing instead that it's an inherent human tendency. The speaker emphasizes the importance of providing appreciation, respect, and valuing one's partner for long-term relationship flourishing. The video thus offers insight into men's emotional needs in relationships, the essence of validating and being validated, and strategies for addressing feelings of unappreciation.

What is The Recovering Nice Guy - With Chuck Chapman, M.A.?

This podcast is for recovering "Nice Guys" who are tired of people pleasing and always finishing in last. If you’re ready to uncover your purpose, transcend self-doubt, and start living the best version of yourself, then you’re in the right place. We're not here for temporary solutions but to forge a path of integrity and genuine self-understanding. Tired of feeling like you're not living up to your potential? Hit that subscribe button and engage in the conversation.

I'm Chuck Chapman. As a professional psychotherapist, life and relationships coach, mystic, and fellow journeyman, I specialize in assisting men in navigating life's challenges. My own story includes battles with addiction, the emotional turmoil of divorce, financial downfalls like bankruptcy, health concerns, and the complexities of family ties. But through it all, I've not only survived but thrived, finding my purpose and passion.

The content shared here is for general knowledge and motivational purposes. It is not a substitute for therapy or professional psychological advice.

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