Building Astropad

Ahead of our Kickstarter launch, we go step-by-step into how we pitch the press and suggest how you can do the same for your projects.

Show Notes

You've made an awesome new project, now how do you let the world know about it? On this episode, we talk through our strategies for getting press coverage ahead of our Kickstarter launch. We dive into the specifics, sharing our email subject lines, what our emails include, and how we customize for each journalist. We give tips on sending cold emails and how Twitter can be a secret weapon. Finally, we discuss how to build a press list and when to start sending emails.

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What is Building Astropad?

Go behind the scenes with Building Astropad, a podcast about building something from nothing — hosted by Astropad CEO Matt Ronge. It's for anyone starting a project, launching a business, or scratching a creative itch.