Ms. InterPReted

In this episode focused on learning, leading and coping in *The Year That is 2020 in the PR Profession*, Kelly and Mary Beth welcome Rod Cartwright, a London-based colleague and leader of Rod Cartwright Consulting, who also serves as Deputy Chair of the PRCA's Global COVID-19 Taskforce.

Rod delivers wit, wisdom and a no-nonsense spirit to the topic of PR pros surviving and thriving through a nonsensical year, from both sides of the Atlantic. Rod discusses with Kelly and Mary Beth a variety of management-consulting techniques and fine-tuned methodologies that he brings to his public relations consultations -- and how he complements them with a human-factors sensibility and an appreciation for true humanity-centered empathy for others.

Listeners will gain rich insights from Rod's strategic yet caring approach.

Show Notes

Rod Cartwright shares:

  • What the COVID-19 experience has been like in the U.K., as of early-summer 2020;
  • How Public Relations must lead from the front in this sustained crisis by showing a genuine understanding of business;
  • What "contextual understanding" means in the scope of our role as communicators and as the conscience of the organization;
  • Why cross-disciplinary approaches are vital and how PR must be able to broker those opportunities for collaboration;
  • What different types of Auditing tools and techniques can deliver toward meaningful analysis for clients;
  • Amid the racial unrest and global charge for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, how PR should seek to lead by listening first;
And more...

Follow Rod on Twitter: @RodCartwright 

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What is Ms. InterPReted?

Public Relations stands as one of the most misunderstood, misinterpreted areas of business and organizational management. With Fletcher Marketing PR Founder and CEO Kelly Fletcher and Senior Strategist Mary Beth West, we’re here to turn around PR’s own bad PRess, cut through the nomenclature, and demystify public relations as the best pathway to create, grow and amplify the roots of positive management, communications, culture and careers -- for success that matters.